New Total Loss Threshold Screen

Use this screen to add a Total Loss Threshold value.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Vehicle Make

This is a droplist from which you can select each make for which you want to set a threshold. At the top of the droplist is a blank space. Select the blank to set a default threshold for any make without an individual threshold.

Standard %

Enter the percentage amount you want the program to use when calculating the Total Loss threshold for recent vehicles. The program inserts a default value of 0. Enter the percentage amount you want to use.

Older Model %

Enter the percentage amount the program uses to calculate the Total Loss Threshold for older model vehicles. Enter the percentage you want to use for older model vehicles.

Older Model Year

Enter the cutoff year for a vehicle to be considered an older model. Any vehicle whose year is later than the year you enter here is not considered older model. The program defaults this year to 1966. Enter the last year you want to use to establish a vehicle as older model.

OK Select this option to save the information and close the screen.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without saving.

See Also

Adding a Total Loss Threshold Record







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